Hurricane Sandy Relief Efforts

Earlier this week the residents of Ortley Beach, New Jersey, were told that they could visit their homes, or what was left of their homes, for the first time since Sandy landed on their shores in late October. The residents stood in line for hours waiting to board buses to travel to their town. No cars are permitted; it’s too dangerous. As the process of reentry into the community continues we’re learning that the damage is far greater than anyone, even those who had seen photos, could have imagined.

While Sandy is history for most of us, residents in the mid-Atlantic will be coping with the storm’s devastating effects for months. Just as people reached out to help after Irene blew through Vermont a year ago, we have the opportunity to help those who were in Sandy’s path.

Beginning this Sunday, November 18 through Sunday, December 2 we will receive a special offering to aid victims of Sandy. If you wish to contribute, you may place your offering in the basket on the table in the vestibule. The offering will be sent to Church World Service to support its storm relief efforts.

To learn more about Church World Service go to: